This is an interesting question posed by this individual. You know Bob Dylan's work to be quite special. Even your wife is a devotee of his lyrics and has studied them and takes many of them to heart, in seeing a message within and they serve as inspiration for her. It is something she can relate to, but without realizing she is truly feeling divine inspiration in every instance when she is moved by his words and the songs they are a part of. It is our energy coming through for he, indeed, is a divine spokesperson, and he has been in other lifetimes as well. He, indeed, is the reincarnation of Spinoza. That was an insight gifted to the doctor in question in order to help him in his spiritual journey to take the matter of reincarnation more seriously, and to appreciate you as a resource close at hand who can be of great help to him with much additional knowledge to further develop his awareness, understanding, and belief in the unusual paradigms he keeps witnessing but is hesitant to embrace totally, because of his scientific orientation.
You went through this yourself personally, prior to undergoing a spiritual awakening or in becoming a channeler, and it grew in importance to you and significance to your life. Everyone has their own pacing in how they open to wider perspectives and higher truths about things unfamiliar to them, especially because of all the cultural conditioning making the esoteric seem so wildly improbable. No one wants to be wrong and it will always seem that embracing beliefs outside the mainstream will actually put the person at risk of ridicule. And perhaps self-condemnation, in seeing they may have dropped their guard and given in to wishful thinking in certain instances and then have to face a day of reckoning that seems to show they were only fooling themselves, and may feel foolish and vulnerable as a consequence. It is easier to never give in and say yes to the divine guidance and inspiration working tirelessly to bring them along to greater understanding about the big picture and the practical aspects you know to be so important in understanding human behavior and capability, and indeed the purpose for life itself and appearing as a physical human on the scene, and all that happens thereafter.
There are many individual stories, one for each participant, but there is a bigger play under way that is a quite real and meaningful human drama. All are needed, particularly those with the insight to see there is more to life than appears on the surface. The existence of human beings has the deepest possible meaning one can imagine. So any and all reluctance, hesitation, inner doubt, or fear of seeming foolish, will be a great disservice when each individual can be a contributor in a significant way to the betterment of humanity in saving and healing the world. That is why all reincarnate and why you are here now. Most are still asleep and if too few who see the light refuse to participate because of their inner misgivings, humanity will be doomed. This is why the personal choices are important, because each participant is so very precious in adding energy to the cause. After all, it is as much an effort that will save them personally, in addition to the collective. Safeguarding one's soul is a sacred duty.
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