DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlWas mind control involved in the demonstration and counterdemonstration in Charlottesville, West Virginia over the last weekend when there was a car attack involved, killing many people, and many people were beaten?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This was entirely orchestrated via mind control. The gathering of some neo-Nazis to celebrate a shopworn icon removal is hardly news, let alone reason to riot. Such individuals never have power of any significance. They represent so very few people in society, their quest is truly laughable as it has no real purpose and can accomplish absolutely nothing of any consequence. The world is not going to turn back to the time of the Confederacy and see the world from those perspectives. They may be stuck admiring those old views, but that itself is mind control from first to last. This is the reason people are racist today. It does have karmic roots, but that karma is reinforced and is whipped into a frenzy by mind control manipulation. This is the reason warring factions get going and are at each other's throats at the drop of a hat. they are all being manipulated by mind control to support their particular view against the opponent and then are ready to go to battle at a moment's notice and be a part of even illegal activity. It all seems reasonable in the context of the event itself because the mind is being distorted to accept that reality as compelling, and this will lead to much head scratching later, when people look back and wonder what they were thinking. So this entire series of events was mind control manipulation on the part of each of the factions involved, as well as the terrorist act of the driver who was sympathetic to the white supremacist cause and did the car attack, killing the young woman tragically, and wounding so many others. This was through mind control manipulation, to persuade him to take this rash step. He has truly ruined his life, and for what? That is a perfect illustration of the consequences of mind control, that people commit rash acts of all kinds that truly destroy their future, for no real purpose that anyone outside their twisted thinking can see. This is the tip-off it is mind distortion making the decisions, for they are not rational, or realistic.