You are seeing the answer now in your mind, having just discussed it with us, that the more elegant way, indeed, is that you are inviting Creator to help guide the person’s mind to the highest and best healing that can be obtained for the session being launched, and that will see that those episodes most germane to the client’s perception of symptoms will be addressed in a logical sequence, courtesy of Creator answering your request for such guidance. So the mind will be accessed in the way most efficient to have those things in memory emerge to be worked on first and, as you suspected, that order of battle, so to speak, is not strictly owing to chronological age during any particular lifetimes nor the ordering of lifetimes that might have started earlier in the past and be representing a younger age of the client, but quite out of sequence in terms of their relative importance to the client’s dilemma they are working on. So the important factor in determining the sequence of episodes brought up by the client’s mind will be what karmic underpinnings are most relevant to address to obtain the best healing, and that will be more important in representing the impact of a watershed event than on whether it is early in the existence of the person or quite recent, perhaps the most recent past life, and so on.
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