DWQA QuestionsCategory: Physical UniverseWe ourselves have been told in conversation with light beings that there is no such thing as dark matter, that what is missing to account for some energetic phenomena in cosmology is really the invisible energy of consciousness. Is this true and is it your consciousness that is driving the universe?
Karen Gore Staff asked 7 years ago
It is quite true that consciousness is the missing piece of the puzzle in understanding the accelerated expansion of the universe, for example. This is coming from consciousness and is not due to any matter per se. Matter, as you know, is only energy and all energy is an extension of the energy of consciousness in a particular form and expression. So the importance of consciousness is first and foremost on the list in the hierarchy. The ruling forces are subordinate, as we have stated. The consciousness is apparent in all of the universe in everything you can perceive and those you do not yet perceive. There are multiple dimensions as well, residing within the visible universe and extending from it in various intricate ways beyond your perceptions. The meaning of light, in the broadest sense to encompass the spiritual realm and its light, incorporates within it the potential to express many forms of energy, including those associated with the visible universe, but are beyond the understanding of humans at this point in their fullest meaning. So this is a complicated discussion, to be sure, and one that we note you have much interest and fascination in pursuing and we are happy to help you in this regard. So, for purposes of this conversation we will keep it simple, as this will be the first of many steps we know are coming.