DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindTo what extent do post-hypnotic suggestions get stored in cellular memory as opposed to short-term or long-term memory?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is another brilliant insight you have had, to explore the evanescence of post-hypnotic suggestions, that all too often they are short-lived and have many other constraints. The reason they work in the first place is that they are truly held in an area of memory outside of conscious awareness, and this is why there is this mysterious subsequent action to honor the post-hypnotic suggestion and carry out an instruction given while in hypnotic trance that is not recalled consciously. So it is an interesting demonstration of segregation of levels of the mind, that the phenomena can be reliably induced in most individuals, depending on the nature of the suggestions. They will not go against the morality of an individual unless there are other circumstances of mental distortion in play, such as a fragmented personality achieved through a high degree of stress that leaves a fraction of the mind that can be isolated, and manipulated in isolation, sometimes to do many things that are of a criminal nature, but that is not the typical situation at all for employing hypnotic suggestions. So we can tell you that your insight about their going into cellular consciousness is spot‑on, and this is why they have this mysterious quality of being stored somewhere and recalled, but not by the conscious awareness until there is a compulsion to act on the suggestion. And that is very typical of all that takes place as a consequence of cellular consciousness and its cellular memory being a repository for all kinds of working knowledge, in addition to fears and leftover life lessons from trauma events, and so on, that may be held onto, and even reenacted again and again because of their strong influence and compelling nature to begin with, such as past life tragedies that had a fatal outcome or serious setbacks and losses that left a wound. The recollection of such things done by the deep subconscious and transferred into cellular consciousness so they are at the ready, so to speak, to be acted on by the conscious level of the mind, provides a workaround for the deep subconscious to make something happen by the conscious self. The deep subconscious is cut off from receiving assistance because it cannot talk to the conscious self directly, other than stirring up emotions to get the attention of the conscious level of the mind, and perhaps indirectly persuade it to be on guard or avoid doing certain things. Then, anxiety will mount even contemplating moving forward with the idea of concern to the deep subconscious, so sending anxiety will get the conscious self, in many cases, to back away, and that is the point of the exercise, to make something desirable happen, at least from the standpoint of the deep subconscious and its ability to understand what is going on, which is never perfect. But the issues it grapples with are quite real, if many times out of date and no longer truly needed to be of concern, but are made to be so because the deep subconscious starts to worry about them, and this will keep the problem alive, so to speak, and haunting the host until it is dealt with or resolved in some way. Post-hypnotic suggestions are almost entirely stored within cellular consciousness because that is the province of the subconscious mind, and that upper layer accessible through hypnosis can be reached, and such things recalled on request. It is an interesting and even profound-seeming demonstration of hypnotic phenomenology, that suggestions given to the subconscious can be compartmentalized to render them seemingly forgotten and only recallable under certain circumstances, as with hearing a code word or having a certain event take place, or a third party present with the person given the suggestion as a trigger event, and then the action suggested to the individual will come to mind and be acted on, and will be carried out as ordered.