DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingTo help explain how subconscious channeling to apply Holographic Memory Resolution can help mental illness, is delusional thinking more at the conscious level or at the subconscious level?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
The thinking part may be very, very, conscious because it is a learned response to inner conflict that serves in some way to contain it, or to provide the warning mandated by the inner negative emotions from the conflict itself. The ritualized responses, the ready assumption of blame that may be irrational on its face and having an improbable origin, or imparting sinister motives to others as with paranoid thinking, and so on, are an intellectual framework that is decided on to help understand and provide meaning for all the inner pain being felt below. They truly become a habit of thought and are, in effect, more conscious than subconscious in that regard. This is why even in such individuals who have irrational thought and would not be presumed capable of a productive interchange with a therapist because of this rigid automatic way of seeing the world that is off-kilter, can nonetheless be shifted by going deep within to the subconscious at the deepest levels where inner conflict is arising that continues to add fuel to the automatic conscious ritualized responses of thought and behavior, and undo the inner negativity that is giving rise to the need for such containment and explanation. Keep in mind that while the patient’s description of the world they provide may seem bizarre to the observer, it is formulated because the world simply does not match their inner perception because the emotions are coming not from the external world but from an internal world brought to them, courtesy of the attacking spirits, from the long-ago past lifetimes, and is not in the conscious awareness of the patient to begin with. It may be visited more directly at night during the dreaming state, but that again is experienced at the subconscious level, not the conscious level, unless the dreams are recalled. This is how some things can come up into more conscious awareness, but often will add further doubt and fear and confusion to things because the dreams will not match the external world directly either. And this only makes things worse and not an inspiration or springboard for healing by the person themselves. This is too much to ask and will only be the tip of the iceberg, in any case. So a therapist relying solely on dreams to help the person to heal will only be getting a reflection of the inner issues and not the inner issues per se, and talking about them will have limited benefit. There needs to be deep healing within the subconscious level to take away the negative implications of what has happened in past lifetime recollections that have become the preoccupation of the subconscious, courtesy of the attacking spirits. Once those prior traumas are resolved, this takes away the need for the defenses and the person can relax and stand down and surrender their unhealthy thoughts and feelings, as these will not even occur when the healing has come about from the Holographic Memory Resolution work.