DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AgendaThis past week, wildfires have spread to over one million acres in Texas, destroying hundreds of homes and other buildings and killing thousands of livestock animals. While dry, warm, winter weather and blustery winds are a terrible combination as seasonal risk factors, is that carnage truly natural or something more sinister?
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
Like the presumed seasonal wildfires in California, what is happening in Texas is not natural, it is assisted in the ease of spread by the climate variables you cite, but what has gotten this going and kept it going in such a widespread fashion is deliberate and arranged to happen by the interlopers using advanced extraterrestrial technology. We have discussed many times before, why large-scale natural disasters are rarely natural and almost always made to happen deliberately, through covert use of sophisticated technology by extraterrestrial beings wanting to manipulate, control, and ultimately destroy your world. Such interventions are increasing with regard to frequency and intensity because they are building towards carrying out a final solution, the total annihilation of humanity, and they want to weaken you to a severe degree so they can watch you suffer for a period of time before administering the coup de grace.