DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialThis is a mere introduction to the topic of soul attributes, and we will explore soul attribute expressions in a future episode. Can Creator tell us how Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset Protocol along with Divine Life Support are the means by which Soul Attribute problems and negative issues of all kinds are best resolved?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Here you are finally getting to the crux of the human dilemma. Whether or not people see themselves as blessed with special gifts, whatever talents, abilities, and character strengths they possess will either serve them, undermine them in some way that backfires, or be neglected and will be their choice, largely, in what happens. All human beings are facing opposition by the forces of darkness. Humanity was created to solve the problem of evil and evil is abroad in your world, and has been all through human history. It is the reason for all of the dark events, the calamities, the wars and other conflicts, the slow progress of humanity in learning how to get along and even how to surmount the challenges of physical existence, in a fragile human body, given the vicissitudes of weather and the many scourges of predators and diseases. The many lifetimes people have lived in poverty, times of famine, mass death from epidemics, devastating wars, and countless disruptions from marauders and criminals have created a huge backlog of karmic trauma—that weighs heavily on all of you, giving rise to physical illness and emotional impairment. The scourge of dark spirit possession will awaken those traumas within your body, below conscious awareness, and that is a clue to much of human suffering. The Earth is in the grip of a Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance that conquered you long ago and set you up to be their puppets in a kind of ongoing play where you are the actors on the stage and they are writing the scripts to maneuver you into position and make you do things, or not, as they decree. And the overarching goal of all of that manipulation is not to help and improve your world but to see in how many ways they can bring harm to you so they can watch you suffer, to serve their depraved appetites as savage and heartless psychopaths who can only enjoy the power they hold over others, being devoid of love. Not only are you in this mess, you do not know it. That is the perverse beauty in what they have set up, to keep you in the dark even as they manipulate you, to set you up only to make you fail all too often. The way out is to seek divine assistance to overcome your plight. You cannot do this on your own because you do not have the reach to fight back against superior foes who are billions of years ahead of you with their technology and willingness to do anything heartless and cruel to stay in power. The answer here is what has created GetWisdom, to bring forth divine wisdom to blow the whistle in a more direct way than ever before about all that is taking place, and to help awaken those still asleep to the realities of their existence and point the way towards the true solution. This is a problem that needs healing, not more hatred, seeking of power, or doing battle as a warrior to destroy an enemy. You cannot win such a contest. Fighting fire with fire will not work, nor will simply emanating love. That, too, is a false promise in wanting to overcome heartless beings incapable of feeling or recognizing love, what it is for, and what it can do. You must partner with the divine to not only heal humanity as a way to protect, raise up your fellow humans, and keep them from going under, you must heal the perpetrators bent on destroying you. That is the only way to turn the tide. Getting them to stand down is the only answer that will work. They cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be loved enough to learn to like you and want your continued existence, they are tired of you and want to be rid of the games they have been playing and move on to something else. Through these healing protocols, you can invoke divine assistance to get these interlopers, all of them, to move aside, at least for a lengthy period, as a kind of vacation before they gear up to carry out a wholesale annihilation of humanity which is their current plan. That will give you and all of humanity, if these healing protocols are applied, an opportunity to heal sufficiently to allow a Grand Ascension to escape the physical plane altogether. That will be your deliverance. You will have new and more exalted roles to play, as a light being full-time, without having to journey to the physical only to be pummeled and abused, and corrupted and degraded, and give you as much new work to do as what you may have set right in the course of a lifetime. Life has been a holding action for millennia. It is time to break out and implement a better answer, and that will be done through the healing protocols from GetWisdom, to truly move humanity ahead in ways that will work, and not the false promise of other spiritual practices that are well-meaning but are empty promises, because they are focused on the wrong things, and not applying true partnership with the divine in ways that can hope to win the day. You came here for a reason and this is it; it is up to you to act; GetWisdom will show you the way.