DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AbductionsThis client memory of apparent alien abduction sounds like he was old enough to walk at the time, unless he was recalling an event which traumatized him because of the recollection. Has this client truly had more alien abductions than the one when he was manipulated genetically, resulting in his autism?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This indeed was a subsequent alien abduction to check up on him and to gauge his life progress in the context of the changes done to him. They are curious, and studying their handiwork to understand what takes place in some of their victims resulting in autism. This only takes place in a small percentage of people manipulated in this way, even though across society as a whole there are huge and growing numbers of autistic children being identified, and that upsurge is all due to alien abductions taking place. It is because they are so very numerous that the phenomenon is being seen as an epidemic. The Extraterrestrial Alliance is not worried about the blame, as the cover story about this being a side effect of childhood immunization is working quite nicely to be a distraction that gives people something to fight about while they miss the point entirely, in not seeing that there is something deeper, a more sinister cause of a sudden turn for the worse in young people. This young boy has had multiple abductions for monitoring closely, and it was during one of these abductions that he was traumatized by the experience in seeing the large group of children and babies being manipulated. He feels intuitively that the beings involved here are not benevolent and this added to the stress of what he witnessed.