DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceThere is much talk suggesting that we should be buying gold due to the threat of a global crash and likely end to the use of paper money. Is there any truth to this, should we be preparing in any way, and is there a timeline regarding this concern?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago

The value of gold has not gone away despite the many naysayers and financial advisors who look upon gold as a barbarous relic, for example, which reflects their disinterest and disdain for viewing gold as a store of wealth, but that is the reality. It is a consistent store of wealth over vast spans of time whereas no currency created by a government has lasted for much more than a century. That is a very poor track record indeed, concerning stability of currency as a reliable store of wealth.


We see gold continuing to have that distinction and become an increased haven of safety with coming financial turmoil. We cannot give you a timeline for this as the forces that will bring this turmoil about are in a state of flux with their planning and many things can happen, but the timing is the least certain. There have been many potential calamities that have been delayed, some due to intercession by the divine realm to keep things stable for a time, but we can tell you that putting trust in gold as a long-term safe haven for savings will be rewarded handsomely in what is coming.