DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine CautionThere is a group working on a device to communicate with spirits that will “obtain a 99% accurate Yes/No answer in ten seconds or less. Once that is available, they plan to develop a keyboard to allow texting and typing with departed loved ones and others in the light.” Will their technology perform as described?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This technology will not be as simple and robust as they believe. It will be totally dependent on the belief level of the operator wanting to communicate and receive an answer. This is no different than prayer and wanting to see a sign from heaven by way of reassurance or guidance about something of importance one would like to know. This creates quite a slippery slope because it will start off with simple, objective, reality checks, but will be far too tempting to not be used for all manner of prophetic inquiries, analysis of problems, and individuals and their failings and agendas, intelligence gathering of all kinds, not to mention forensic analysis of wrongdoing, and on and on. All of these areas are highly problematic for light beings to weigh in. So just as with your channeling, whoever is using the device will need to be of the same caliber, level of need, and overall divine alignment justifying the receipt of information, and many subjects will be closed off from access on a case-by-case basis in many instances, because people are not ready or allowed to have the information. This is a good example of the overreach brought about by being so dependent on technology. You are culturally conditioned to believe every problem has a technological solution. That has misled medicine just as it has other fields of human endeavor. While there are many beneficial uses of technology, there are always downsides, and given the inherent limitations there will always be a constraint compared to using consciousness alone and this is a perfect example. The very need for such a device speaks to the issue of there being a gap that seems difficult to bridge. While this can be a workaround, it will not perform up to expectations because of the limitations imposed on such a communication, with the human side being vulnerable and often corrupted by faulty thinking, and on the divine side limited by the rules of engagement to not be leading. Unfortunately, that leaves open the great likelihood that whenever the device is used, it will reach a lower order being and is perfect as a tool of corruption by the darkness. Just like with a Ouija board, the extraterrestrials, and the dark spirits as well, have no ethics or morality to constrain them.