You are on to something here in this conspiracy-theory-like scenario. If you look at history though, you will see again and again examples of governmental overreaction that often adds more harm than good. This was true of the COVID-19 pandemic, in causing a heavy-handed government shutdown of commerce and abrogation of individual liberties, with severe economic consequences and long-term learning deficits among school children kept at home for an extensive period of time through fear more than a justifiable risk would dictate. The same is taking place with respect to containing the bird flu epidemic. There are many assumptions made in the management of animal diseases to err on the side of caution, so it is not necessarily inappropriate or an evil manipulation to attempt protecting uninfected target subjects at the expense of a particular region where an epidemic is underway.
The problem is always the extent to which such decisions are made by human beings weighing all the pros and cons based on reason and objective evidence from a sum total of human knowledge, or instead, are a heavy-handed, ill-considered, and inappropriate governmental response that is fear-based and engineered to be overreacted to and amplified through mind control manipulation done by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. The latter is the rule, not the exception because it is being done on all levels of human society, within all your institutions, to corrupt things, create and spread disinformation and, on the one hand, induce leaders to make arbitrary decisions and be unresponsive and intransigent when criticized and, on the other hand, make the citizenry largely complacent so as to ignore the problem if it is happening directly to others and not themselves. This isolates the victims and leaves them more helpless than they would be ordinarily. We are not eager to lay blame and point fingers at various human individuals and groups because the culprits are not human to begin with. Everything that is being mismanaged is because of extraterrestrial manipulation causing people to fail in seeing the problem in a timely fashion or to overreact or misapply inadequate tools or even inappropriate ones. This, of course, makes things worse than they would be, were this a natural occurrence.
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