DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsThe winning horse in this year’s Kentucky Derby, named Rich Strike, was added at the last minute due to a dropout from the field. The odds against this horse winning were considered 80-1. Yet, the horse was victorious. Was this manipulated to happen so that as many people as possible placing bets on the race would lose money?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Your intuitive assessment here, in having these thoughts, was spot-on in all particulars. This is exactly the mentality, the rationale, and the planned and arranged outcome obtained through the manipulation of that horserace by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. This was done via technology to impart just enough of a distraction to the other horses for them to lose their edge. While a strengthening was imparted to this winner, it was done energetically, not through administration of drugs, as humans might try, to throw the race. This was entirely the doing of the Extraterrestrial Alliance as a form of mischief simply because they can pull the rug out from under many ongoing human efforts and activities, to throw a wrench in the works, and leave many people disappointed and unhappy. It is their mindset that makes them enjoy doing such things, and this nicely illustrates that no one is truly safe with them in the environment because, literally, all bets are off as to what might happen in any given setting when targeted by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to change what will happen, in some fashion more to their liking.