As we mentioned previously, what happens on that future extension timeline during the 20-and-Back Tour of Duty is entirely independent of what is going on during the main timeline that continues. So the original person who dies in that future timeline will still continue in their life as normal on the main timeline from which they were abducted and moved forward in time. The reason there is not an irretrievable loss of the person's life is because they are abducted from a future timeline of the person, not from a moment during the current timeline itself. That, indeed, would remove them from existence on the main timeline, and would thus get noticed because a person would suddenly disappear and, during the time they were gone, leave a hole, and life would proceed without them, in effect. So bringing them back to the point they were taken could be done but, in the meantime, on the main timeline, there would have been many having a memory still of the person disappearing, and that would lead to awkward and differing accounts of reality. By taking them slightly ahead in their future projection, the main timeline can continue, reach that point in the future, and continue on further seamlessly with no disruption and everything appearing to be normal.
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