DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsThe topic of shame is a broad one, involving both feeling and action. In almost every instance there is a need for healing being demonstrated. Can Creator tell us how Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, and Divine Life Support are the perfect tools for addressing shame, avoiding shame, and developing the wisdom to use shame sparingly and with the greatest effectiveness for the most desirable outcomes for all affected beings?
Nicola Staff asked 2 weeks ago
In this exercise of addressing different perspectives about feeling shame and shaming others, we have pointed out that shame is a diagnostic indicator representing a state of incompletion, of being out of divine alignment, and the need for a resolution so the defect can be repaired, and potential damage that can result, be minimized. The question becomes, given the state of disconnect you have with your own mind and self on multiple levels—not able to converse with your higher self and get answers, not able to converse with the largest part of your mind hidden in a deep subconscious state of being but aware of your thoughts—your wherewithal is largely in limbo. Your deep subconscious creates strong emotions but your perception of these, on a conscious level, will be felt but not understood because they come without a deeper understanding of their origin and purpose and, without knowing the meaning of what you are feeling, you are simply uncomfortable or perhaps suffering intensely without a good means of finding a solution. If ever there was a need for a divine partner who sees all, this is as compelling a reason as any. People's very lives and certainly their happiness and their ability to grow, learn, and expand their capabilities all depends on having the wherewithal to cope with life and make the most of it, and that includes oftentimes meeting tough challenges and surmounting them in a way that grows new muscles rather than ending up wounded and undermined and weakened. We can see not only that you suffer but why that is, how it came about, and we have the wherewithal to go back in time, as well as forward, and work on healing what went wrong to create the difficult prior circumstances that left you wounded and, as a consequence, vulnerable to a rewounding. Most would-be help available to human beings is a holding action at best, a series of temporary measures that may help dampen the symptoms for a time but will not fundamentally resolve what is on record that is energetically corrupted and has your name on it. All past karmic history is enshrined in the akashic records and the Law of Karma will dole out to you every bit of it for you to work on yet again, and over and over until it is dealt with in a way to make it energetically neutral. Because we see all of these details and have the power to bring love to bear in filling all the gaps leading to discord and trauma, we can help guide not only you but the many others who have influenced you, by healing them, and thus changing your history bit by bit. And when that catches up to the current moment it will bring a complete healing of what has transpired that left a harmful imprint, to set things right, heal and close the wounds as though they never existed, and the symptoms will be gone. All the pain and suffering that has turned into chronic anxiety, depression, fear, anger, despair, and grief will drain away. In effect, what will be provided by divine healing love, will right the wrongs, it will raise up all involved in ways sufficient to solve the problems that developed. This will be done in a gentle nonleading way through inspiration, guidance, and many new opportunities brought to bear that will begin teaching you how to live more effectively and regain the higher ground of divine alignment. It is that return to divine alignment that will accompany the healing of all those past karmic traumas that have accumulated, are on record, and are a source of continued challenges in lifetime after lifetime until reckoned with effectively. What your channel has done in bringing forth the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, along with teachings about making prayer more fully empowered, and therefore effective, provide a set of tools leading to enlightenment and ultimately readiness for an Ascension that is coming. What has been in the way throughout human history is the pain and misery keeping people at a low level of vibration, all too often living in shame and lashing out to shame others in a round-robin of action and reaction of like kind, which drags everyone down who are stooping to that level. What you see around you, in the many examples of shameful conduct and shaming as a punishment, show quite clearly how great the need is for progress in being raised up to return you to a state of divine alignment. The protocol work done on a case-by-case basis, in being offered as a kind of prescription service for a low monthly fee, is the greatest blessing one can offer, and rewards the self as well as helping many, many others because all in the program can make a wish list of all they choose to have a similar benefit, and they will all be worked on by Creator. It is a premier example of divine multitasking, that we can, indeed, help with the largest problems in existence. The problem we have in helping humanity is that you are supposed to be in charge of your world. We have a pact with you allowing free agency and free will. We cannot lead, so you must take the first steps and you must be in the lead as you go along. That is what the protocols allow; it puts you in charge, or a practitioner with high-level knowledge and awareness of how divine healing is carried out so you can give us the needed direction to accomplish a full resolution and healing of what ails you and the many others you care about. This is what will allow Ascension to begin and carry humanity to a higher level, far above the physical plane, and you will not have to remain or return here to be in harm's way. That is the greatest of blessings and achievements and is only possible when you are in a divine partnership and doing your part. We are here for you but need you to want this and embrace it.