DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceThe Tenth Divine Principle is the longest, and perhaps the most challenging: “Honor the need of others to have healing and to see their plight, in part, as your responsibility and obligation as a fellow human, so you are sympathetic, and supportive, and understanding of the importance for them to have a pathway to healing in order to make up for losses and wounds to their soul, as all will be harmed when one suffers. You are in this together and share the responsibility for one another. No one is safe until all are safe. This is the true and quite profound meaning of the unity of the human family. You can make this a practice because it is not only an idea but a reality.” Can you help us better understand in what specific ways human beings belong to “the unity of the human family,” and what is at stake as stated by the words: “No one is safe until all are safe?”
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
Despite the wordiness here, the meaning is quite simple—what is at stake is the entirety of your future, individually and collectively. The destiny of divine human is to ascend through higher dimensions with a corresponding expansion of individual and collective reach. The ability to experience, express, and create new things and possibilities are all contingent on overcoming the current limitations of your physical existence. This Ascension can only happen when the whole of humanity is ready. That is why you are so interdependent and interlinked in a very, very real way. In a sense, you have the ticket for the journey, but the conveyance needs to be created through common effort as a group enterprise. This will happen through individual effort as well as collective efforts along the way. If each individual would do their part, this could happen very, very quickly, but with so many being out of alignment, there must be an intervention by others to give them the assistance needed to make up for the shortcomings in their way, and to bring in the needed healing for them so they are not an anchor on the chain, so to speak, but can begin to contribute their own energy to the enterprise. That is the ideal—to have all on an equal footing and all holding a high vibration of divine love within. This is what is missing currently. There is a love deficit and it is expressed in many, many ways through the great variety of adverse circumstances exhibited by human negativity. Putting back the love in one respect is simple, but this can only be done when one can give and receive love fully, and very few people in today’s world are free and open enough to divine love to do this readily. This is why healing is needed and why healing of others is of equal importance to healing oneself, because while you can improve your own personal circumstances up to a point, you will still be constrained by the human physical experience as an option until all are ready to progress. It is only at that point when you can move onward and upward to the greater expansion through Ascension and experience the tremendous new range of possibilities that await you in that expanded existence that will be forthcoming. This is a healing enterprise in all respects, it is no different than keeping one’s physical health going, but at the same time, needing to care for other things around you—perhaps a dwelling with a sound roof that needs maintenance, doorways and windows to keep the inhabitants warm and protect them from the elements, a mode of transportation in the form of an automobile, or perhaps an animal to ride or pull a wagon, that needs care and feeding, and so on. These accoutrements of life have a practical importance, but it is the investment in the human capital needed by your fellow human family members where you can have the greatest impact, not only on them but on yourself and your own future as a part of the human enterprise, because it is the group process, the group energy, the group achievement that will determine your future in the broadest sense.