DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsThe staple storyline in professional wrestling is the babyface versus the heel. The babyface is the good wrestler who follows the rules and treats the fans with respect, while the heel is the evil wrestler who breaks the rules and treats the fans like dirt. Heels would engender such disdain from fans, that they actually faced genuine danger from enraged fans. Some heel wrestlers were beaten up and even stabbed. And some fans would even put drain cleaner in squirt guns and try to spray it into the heel wrestler’s eyes. This hardly seems like family-friendly entertainment. What are the karmic implications for both the wrestlers and fans in this theatre of evil, where it’s not the rules but what you can seemingly get away with that counts?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Here you are seeing the spread of the basic premise represented by such a contest being a lowly endeavor because it is a simulation of combat which leads to injury and death in its ultimate expression. All such activity is a karmic error that will receive a karmic consequence eventually, and this is true even of those who playact because they are degrading themselves, and putting on a degrading spectacle for others who are manipulated to seek and enjoy it, and cultivated within to embrace the seeming lack of principles involved in a winner-take-all physical domination of another human being using pain for the purpose. The behavior of the fans is concrete evidence of the corrupting influence of the professional wrestling arena. It is not simply that it attracts people who might be violent and willing to assault others, but it will induce such behavior in the observers, especially if there is any kind of inner inclination to seek power over others, and to have a strong desire for revenge, and need a target to absorb their hatreds and bitterness. Such playacting scenarios often flirt with rule-breaking as a form of variety. People find it interesting to watch because they can fantasize about themselves being in a position to gain the upper hand by doing something behind the back of a referee or, in the case of fan behavior, rising to the level of actual criminal conduct. People do not suddenly do something of that kind without preparation, without a period of learning and acclimation, to not only tolerate violent conduct but become a willing participant as a personal goal that will be experienced as enjoyment. That ramping up of excitement involved with wrongdoing is a characteristic consequence of mind control manipulation. People in a group do not suddenly run riot, it is orchestrated to happen energetically, by a manipulation of those individuals, by an outside intelligence corrupting and influencing them from within their own minds. That mind control can make people do almost anything, and that is what you are seeing on display. When manipulated in this fashion, people will not question what they have done in the same way they might if it was a truly intentional planned action on their part; they will have a feeling of detachment without a real understanding of why they acted in that fashion. This, too, is a characteristic of mind control manipulation.