DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessThe scientist mentioned in the previous questions put together a scientific experiment to test Chris Robinson’s prophetic dreaming ability, which he called “The Ten Days in Arizona Experiment.” Before falling asleep, Chris Robinson would ask the universe, in his head, to be shown in his dreams, where he would be taken the next day. In the morning he would write down the details of his dream. Meanwhile, the scientist preselected ten unusual local locations and placed them in envelopes that were to be shuffled before one was selected as the day’s destination. To make a long story short, Chris Robinson was shockingly correct for all ten locations, including one that was substituted unintentionally because of unanticipated obstacles. What can Creator tell us about Chris Robinson’s ability?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The fascinating and seemingly impossible ability being demonstrated here has a simple explanation—he was simply looking at the future to see what would actually be taking place at that future time, and then was able to recall enough of the dream to write down the details. His mind was visiting the future, which is always being projected from the present as a future potential. This future extension of the current timeline is always in existence; it might change for any number of reasons, depending on how far ahead one might be looking, or unexpected events taking place between making the observation of the future and observing what takes place at that future timepoint when it becomes the current moment. So this is not an educated guess or somehow reading the mind of the scientist doing the preselection, and this is supported by randomizing the choices in a way that makes the odds quite small that he would guess them, particularly ten days in a row. This ability to see the future is a built-in mechanism of the mind. The deep subconscious, unknown to science, exploits the intuitive gateway to look at the akashic records and sees all of the future life extensions, in addition to past lives lived and events on record from the current life, as desired. So the talent here is having enough intuitive ability and control of that awareness to transfer the information from the deep subconscious into the awareness, during the dream state, of a higher level of the subconscious that can be recalled on awakening. People routinely look at the future in order to gauge what's coming, and this is why many people have premonitions. The problem is the deep subconscious cannot speak to the conscious level directly and convey information. So even if an accident is foreseen that is fatal, the deep subconscious cannot warn you directly but may only create a state of anxiety and trepidation that will give you pause when moving to get into an automobile, for example. Sometimes people heed such warnings, sometimes they override them, and then may well get into trouble that was foreseen. So the fortunate experiment of nature underway here is having an individual with an ability to use his intuition and convey the information. That is what is unusual and is a kind of talent, in a sense, most people do not have. This ability to foresee the future has many examples and manifestations on an individual and group level that has been studied scientifically. What is rare is having a way to probe it and demonstrate it on demand in a systematic fashion.