DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialThe role of mother is more akin to the role of helper than any other attribute type. Though all souls will experience motherhood, frequently and profoundly, the nurturing role of mother is particularly suited to the helper type. Therefore it would make sense that helpers would prefer to be female more often than not. This would help to explain perhaps why the female gender, as a whole, so closely resembles the helper type as a whole. The two roles are profoundly reinforcing of each other. If the majority (or significant percentage) of women are helpers, and the majority (or significant percentage) of helpers are women, that would really help to make sense of what seems to be readily observable. It seems helpers would make awesome grandmothers. What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
You will certainly get pushback from today's world, in being accused of gender stereotyping, but there is a risk here of too narrowly defining the helper as a feminine trait. It is certainly the case that the female has a soul profile highly attuned to childbearing and childrearing, both, because they are critical functions for propagating the species and, given the helplessness of human infants and the need for constant nurturing and care, there needs to be a soul profile cohort that can be relied on to handle the demanding tasks this represents. So we would say that being a mother is a subcategory of helper in one sense, but in another is truly transcendental because it is a profound creative act to be a parent. There are many other important roles in life taken on by individuals with specialized talents of all kinds, and other soul attributes such as warriors, who are many times the most needed of helpers and might save the day in a time of crisis when people need protection. So we would characterize the need for mothers as nurturers, in providing a function as helpers for the young, is as much a biological imperative for continuation of the species, and this is where your basic scheme, of looking at seven major archetypes or soul profiles, has particular value because it represents there is an overarching organization to things, there is a plan, there is an intention of Creator in providing the basic wherewithal of the soul attributes, and the variable expression that results in humans, with a basic makeup that suits a particular role in life. All of this is because there is an overarching purpose for human existence, and various combinations of soul attributes provide the working toolkit and complement of abilities that will determine success or failure on an individual basis as well as a collective one.