DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialThe remaining roles would be researcher, typical occupations being anything scholarly. One source said something to the effect, that only the “researcher” type of person could spend an entire lifetime studying the mating habits of an African beetle. A helper type would never be able to do that without going crazy. The remaining three types are the orator type, with journalist being a principal occupation, the spiritual type, with anything involving religious and/or inspirational leadership and devout following being center stage, and finally the “chief” type. The “chiefs” are souls that are always focused on the BIG picture and gravitate to roles and occupations that impact large numbers of people. It is assumed that chiefs make up the smallest percentage, as low as 2% of all humanity. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Here you are describing three archetypes of proven value to society with ample opportunities for personal growth, learning, and enrichment. But, by their very nature, there is a lesser need for these three types by the majority of humanity during an incarnation. What the researchers intend to do requires specialized skills, great intellect, an excess of curiosity, and a burning need to know with an impatience to never rest until that curiosity is satisfied. Given the state of ignorance in the world, if everyone were this way, it would add tremendously to stress levels as well as great inefficiency because many would be making duplicate effort. It is enough for some to be the researchers so the burden does not fall on all to take on the great challenges, in gaining deeper understanding, when you have so many impairments and disconnections from higher sources of knowledge and wisdom to begin with. So it is a daunting task, and that is why only some humans are configured with the soul attributes ideal for taking on the unknown which, in most cases, will end in failure, inevitably. Yet the researchers will just keep on going despite the uncertainties and despite the many false starts, blind alleys, and unrewarding findings they end up with, they will reenter the fray to go at it yet again. The world needs the scholars, the investigators, the detectives fascinated with nature's mysteries, because that is how you will advance in coping with the physical environment you are a part of and need to surmount for your survival. Orators are of great value because it is impossible to know everything and a great burden to be a communicator and do it intelligently and wisely as well. Those with such gifts are an invaluable contributor in helping to inform and educate others, and to do so effectively will require much discernment and wisdom. In a way, it is a test of divine alignment, the degree to which the spokespersons are presenting perspectives that are fair and a balanced portrayal of reality where truth is the ultimate standard. If so, it will resonate with people and, to the extent they settle for less in their orators, it is a measure of them, whether they perhaps are corrupt and falsely complacent to not recognize the lies they might be told, or be unwilling to act on inner misgivings, and simply give up and go back to their lives and not take action personally to attempt to change things in society. As a practical matter, a majority cannot be orators because there would be such a profusion of voices it would add to complexity rather than clarify and streamline things. The danger, in having a smaller number of orators, is when they are falsely entrusted to be spokespersons, teachers, and leaders of thought but they, themselves, are corrupt and being manipulated through the programming of interlopers—that is the best description of today's world. The spiritual archetype is quite evident in the preacher, the priest, the imam, who are drawn to a spiritual focus and seek a life of greater purpose in honoring their divinity. This is quite the opposite of the average person who, more commonly than not, ignores their spiritual heritage and is content to drift along oblivious to all that it represents. The fact the latter is so common does not make it normal, but the average person is not endowed with the soul attribute makeup of a spiritual leader who wishes to be an influence on others and will start by acquiring greater knowledge to help better define the self. The spiritual archetype is thus invaluable in providing teachers and leaders as examples of divinity. After all, it is your link to us and an essential anchor for a normal and happy life. Without it, there is dissipation, degradation, and growing emptiness. So, at a minimum, such individuals remain a beacon for others. Whether or not they are successful in attracting a flock, they keep the spark of the divine visible and are the best link to a better future for humanity because partnership with the divine is the only way to get there. As with all best intentions, the spiritual archetype is not a perfect defense against corruption. Just like any other combination of soul attributes, people can be commandeered, manipulated through propaganda and mind control, to pervert their inner nature and make them choose, unwisely, a path that will lead them away from divine alignment in the end. This is how some would-be religious can end up harming many others, through having a distorted lens that is corrupt, so they have the trappings of divine perspectives and alignment but only in a surface way because they can become a wolf in sheep's clothing. The archetype of the chief is perhaps the easiest to see as best left to a small number of would-be leaders. This is simply conventional wisdom as in the saying, "Too many cooks will spoil the broth." When everyone wants to be in charge, nothing will get done and it is a prescription for conflict. So here again, there is need not only for soul attributes for leadership, but more than the willingness to step forward, to have the courage, self‑confidence, and gravitas to be effective, but many, many other soul attributes that will help the would-be chief to stay in divine alignment so what they do as a leader will be helping and not hurting. Leaders who contravene the best interests of their followers are hugely destructive and history has proven, more often than not, such leaders as would rule the world, turn out to have feet of clay. So these archetypes are certainly every bit as divine, ideally, in their makeup, but have perhaps the most difficult of tasks, to achieve and maintain divine alignment as well as to stay effective and attain not only competence but mastery of their challenging roles.