DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaThe questions for this show are derived from the life and work of the late hypnotist and prolific metaphysical author Dick Sutphen. Sutphen’s last book published in 2019, one year before his death at age 83, was titled Wisdom Erases Karma. There is no doubt that if Sutphen were to sum up his storied life in just three words, they would be “Wisdom Erases Karma.” These words were engraved on this tombstone, and the final sentence of his final book reads, “From my early days, I recognized that my life was about finding the wisdom to erase my karma.” What is Creator’s perspective on the phrase “Wisdom Erases Karma?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
We like this phrase because it is not only speaking truth, it is speaking truth about a fundamental principle that governs everything that happens. The universe was constructed to operate according to the Law of Karma, also known as the Law of Cause and Effect, as well as all the other laws that bear on various levels of existence and forms of energy. The exchange between humans and one another, as well as everything they encounter in their environment, in interacting with the world at all levels, is an energetic encounter and exchange, inevitably. This is what is meant by the phrase of the "human footprint," talking about the health of Gaia, with human inhabitants producing ever-greater influence, some to the negative. All that you do as a human being transfers energy to those things around you, people and other beings, included. When it is a positive influence, that will bring rewards. When it is a negative influence, that will take something away from you, inevitably. Those exchanges are governed by the Law of Karma. So understanding that you are in a vast sea of energy governed by very precise laws is being on the road to wisdom, because only with wisdom will deep understanding of cause and effect enable you to sort out your life and constrain your thoughts and actions accordingly, to be in divine alignment. And that is the smoothest and quickest road to success, prosperity, inner peace, and overall balance in all things that will bring contentment and satisfaction with your achievements, as life goes on. The accumulation of wisdom is hard-won. You are not born with it; you are born with a lack of understanding and awareness that must be overcome by filling in the blanks. Given that karma is the ultimate ruling force governing everything that happens, at least as an influence, it behooves you to learn early and think about it often along the way in life, and take advantage of those principles to bring yourself into alignment with divine expectations. As we created the Law of Karma, it operates according to our expectations and desires for a universe of fairness and balance at all levels, where each is contributing something even as it might take away. That is the essence of fairness, that your existence is shared with other beings of consciousness, not necessarily competing but inevitably interacting. The wisdom to govern those interactions, through your thoughts and actions wisely, will rebalance wrongdoing, errors of judgment, and other negativity that has your name on it—that will keep you in balance and in a state of security from harm. There are many sources of difficulty you encounter as a physical being. The more you are in balance, the less vulnerable you become to the ups and downs of life, and the more effective you will be in rising above adversity to prevail and prosper. Healing anything that keeps you in the dark end of the ledger will make your life better, and will help all those around you as you come back towards divine alignment once again and are doing more good than harm. If everyone hews to these ideas and principles, everything will get better and there will be no place for evil to reside, and that is an ultimate healing yet to be achieved.