DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaThe popular notion of the Law of Karma is the idea that: “Karma is wholly an anti perpetrator correction mechanism, that it was designed wholly to correct the problem of evil, and that the problem of evil rests wholly on the shoulders of perpetrators.” “People who live by the sword die by the sword,” as Christ put it. Certainly, there is more than a little truth in this, but from previous channelings, we have come to appreciate that this is not necessarily the whole story. Can Creator provide an updated, short working definition of the Law of Karma, and its purpose?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
The Law of Karma recognizes all energies, good and bad. You are thinking about victimhood in this series of questions and so are focusing on the dark end of the spectrum of human affairs, experiences, and their consequences. There are many happy and joyous times people have, at least under ideal circumstances, and many opportunities to share acts of loving kindness to uplift one another and the self as well. Living in joy and harmony with others is divine and is rewarded through the Law of Karma because it has benefits that help the soul and the soul journey, and one of the ways it helps is to provide a return of an energy expenditure that is for the good in ways that further elevate and propel the soul forward. So this is the great leveler, the Law of Karma, and that is the best way to think of it. It is not your enemy, it is, indeed, your friend in all ways because it will reward you when you create situations exhibiting greatness, exhibiting your true inner divinity, your ability to love and to help others—that will circle back around via the Law of Karma to bring blessings to you in the future in some way or another. Similarly, on the negative end of the spectrum, anything you do that is out of alignment, the Law of Karma will notice and then will, in some way or another, send you a reminder. It is sort of like a bill coming due where you owe the universe some additional compensation because you set in motion a negative circumstance that will have a consequence for someone, whether the self or others. So the Law of Karma provides a reckoning, both for rewards and for disincentives you might think of as punishments but are really intended to right the wrongs of the past by calling forth some compensatory energy as a life lesson. It is designed to be instructive, not simply to inflict more pain on the wrongdoer but, perhaps for the first time, show them a taste of their own medicine as a comeuppance, as a wake-up call with the expectation it will provide a negative reinforcement that will help them rein in their reckless conduct and their insensitive treatment of others, to be more considerate, more kind and loving, and more understanding and forgiving in the bargain. So whether you are a victim or a perpetrator or someone who simply is doing well, there can be rewards in every instance with respect to gaining ground from learning what not to do as much as what will bring you benefits and glories in your future.