DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersThe Pleiadians did say that the chaos down here on Earth is a direct reflection of the chaos that is also happening in lockstep throughout the Anunnaki empire. That sounds like karmic consequences. Can you help us understand the origins and dynamics if this is an accurate description?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This is not strictly cause and effect. It is some of what is happening, but there are karmic consequences arising from their doings brought courtesy of the Law of Karma directly to them for their acts of depravity. In a sense, the travesties against humanity are greater than with any other incursion of this kind because the degree of harm in so lowering a divine group like humanity is a more grievous crime and calls for a more powerful karmic consequence. So, in a sense, it is like attacking the most dangerous opponent unwisely and then finding you are in the fight of your life quite unexpectedly. The Anunnaki despise and disdain humans, seeing them as lowly beings, and that is simply because their capabilities are less, but this was due to the fact they were new arrivals on the scene as physical beings when the Anunnaki came upon them first and had not matured and grown into their power. The Anunnaki had nearly a 5-billion-year head start and, as they prize power and control and technological superiority, were underwhelmed by humans who care about love and morality and ethics as divine principles. Whereas the Anunnaki are atheists who see no higher power than themselves and view any surrendering of power as a weakness, when humans are not surrendering anything but merely acknowledging the reality of their origin from a higher power as an extension of Creator’s consciousness, and truly have that power working for them when they remain in a partnership and actively seek its help. This the Anunnaki have always regarded as superstitious folklore and do not believe there is a divine force at work in the universe. They do know of and have grudging respect for the power of human consciousness, but deride humans for seemingly not understanding it and how to make the most of it as they see our reliance on the divine as an empty exercise and, in a sense, is a level of ignorance about their own capability. Much of the loss of effectiveness compared to their abilities is a purposeful divine restarting of things in order to constrain the reach while learning the ropes, dealing with the physical realm, and the harsh consequences of karma when one is in a vulnerable physical form. The purpose was to have a period of training and acclimation to prove their mettle and allow humans to grow into the role as a divine extension in a safely contained fashion, and not unleash them on the universe to see a repeat of the scourge the Extraterrestrial Alliance has become within your galaxy. This was further worsened by the degradation of the human genome inflicted on you by the Anunnaki themselves. To the extent you are simple-minded, it is because the Anunnaki have made you so. That is not your lack. It is their depravity on display having taken that from you. You may well turn out to be the ultimate thorn in their side if you extricate yourself from their domination of you by requesting divine assistance to bring healing to resolve this quandary, and arrange a consequence where they withdraw unilaterally to leave you alone to lick your wounds. You will eventually heal and surpass them and will have launched a healing journey that will be long and arduous, but may well save them from a dark fate. This will be recorded in the annals of the greatest of human accomplishments as divine beings, to not only throw off their conqueror but, in a divine way, raise them up to make them divine. This is a perfect win-win-win all around if you pull it off. This is what is underway now and that is a karmic consequence if ever there was one.