DWQA QuestionsCategory: ReincarnationThe majority of detailed past life memories upwelling in children predominately between the ages of two and six, seem to be fueled in most cases by deep trauma usually associated with the manner of their death in the previous life they are remembering. But in the case of Christian Haupt, the emotive energy seems to be provided by overwhelming desire. This young boy LOVED baseball. At the age of two, this child literally lived, ate, and slept baseball non-stop. He wore a toddler’s baseball uniform and refused to wear anything else. He only wanted to play baseball and nothing else. He would play by himself if he couldn’t get anyone to play with him. It seems that some form of intense emotive energy is needed to enable detailed past life memories to surface. And the emotion doesn’t necessarily have to be “trauma,” but instead could be great desire based on a great passion pursued in a previous life that remained unsatisfied. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Here again, the outstanding event being described is the reality that a young child has a detailed recollection of a prior life, and how and what it entailed, through revisiting and reexperiencing, and displaying a formerly held passion and the skills that went along with that. This, too, is not at all unusual. There are many, many people who from a very, very young age choose their future, have a passion for it and a yearning, and live to make it come about, for example, wanting to be a nurse or doctor or a teacher from a very young age, or do something athletic, or be an explorer, an adventurer, and so on. Many, many times those strong desires are a recapitulation of prior lifetimes living that role, and it is an awakening of an awareness of one's prior success and joy in doing certain things that can start to bring it back to life from deep within, not necessarily a conscious memory at all of having done it but simply beginning to fantasize about that topic, that arena, that profession, and then looking into it and sticking with that on a lifelong basis. This is priming from prior life experience and building on prior success, prior development of knowledge and skills, and that is an important part of the life journey, to grow and expand in terms of the soul's potential. It is often the case people will have a series of many lifetimes with similar pursuits, and that is, indeed, to satisfy a strong desire of the soul to get the most out of it one can—one life simply may not be enough to learn all one needs to. Each life will build on the prior lives and the purpose being to continue to grow, to continue to refine and enhance who and what you have been, and add something to it with each new go-round. This has intrinsic value that will serve the soul for an unlimited future to come. They are like adding bricks to a foundation and strengthening that foundation with repeated investment with an enterprise, a lifestyle, the cultivation of skills. This is quite common, for example, with musicians, with scientists, with physicians, and other healthcare providers, there are most commonly prior histories involved with such activities because they are noble pursuits, have a humanitarian aspect, and are divine in focus and intention, to add something based on love to the world through one's efforts. So this young boy who was written about was simply returning to an awakening of a passion for the sport of baseball but, at the same time, was living out a divine mission to share his story, and hence the awareness consciously, which did add extra energy to the desire in having the recollection directly to fuel it.