DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceThe Eighth Divine Principle is very demanding: “Aid all others with their learning and growth, to understand their need for this as a birthright and an important part of life, and understand this does not represent the actions of an enemy, but fellow humans in need, and not meant to take away from you getting your share. In a world of love there is room for all. This is both a challenge and an opportunity.” Can you help us understand and perhaps give examples of where human society is falling short, and what is meant by the “opportunity” this represents?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
Here we are broadening the canvas to deal more with the human collective and the human enterprises that affect multiple individuals and society at a group level as well as its totality. And again, the emphasis is on balance, of having respect and a sharing, so none are denied fair treatment and due consideration of their worth as fellow beings, with the goal being an interplay that is characterized by mutual cooperation, respect, and a desire for harmony overall. This is achievable, and it is in the exercising that learning will come, and much can be gained from the attempt because it will involve all of the Principles we are discussing here on our list. It is an opportunity and a challenge because it is the ultimate goal for divine human to reach a state of existence where there is no strife, and all are living through love with mutual understanding and acceptance of one another as both individuals with individual preferences and characteristics, but also members of the human family with equal standing and privileges. The challenge comes in reaching this level of harmony and all that requires in personal growth as well as learning new ways to work together, not in competition, but in cooperative enterprises that leverage the efforts of each to work for the common good. And when this is done effectively, the individual will always gain much more than they could have, working selfishly for the individual. Achieving that state of harmony and balance will at once be the greatest of human achievements as well as the process being the greatest teacher in the Art of Living Through Divine Principle.