DWQA QuestionsCategory: DisinformationThe Democratic presidential candidate, Marianne Williamson, promotes A Course in Miracles but seems to disconnect that from belief in God. Is she corrupted or in divine alignment? Is she receiving divine support for her candidacy?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Unfortunately, she is quite corrupt and this has been seen to by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. She has had a spiritual focus all her life but has drifted into the New Age orientation and interpretation of spirituality, and this is the reason she likes A Course in Miracles. It has the appearance of being profound, which it truly is, but allows her to embrace a set of beliefs that are essentially neutral with regard to the existence of a higher power and need not bring this up in discussions and be seen as a traditional religious person. That will be off-putting to many modern Democrats who are suspicious of religion and those who follow the Scriptures, believing they are backward and potentially a danger from becoming too strict and judgmental. So she is essentially a lost cause at this point because she has closed her mind to greater possibilities. This is seen to by the Extraterrestrial Alliance and is not her fault entirely. They are trying this out as a kind of flavor to see how many will be attracted, and if they can get a following going with many religious people who they rightly see as a danger to them. So she is serving as a kind of Pied Piper, as a test case, to determine how many humans she can attract.