DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersThe carpenter ants are an aggressive ant species, like fire ants, and seem likely candidates for being extraterrestrial in origin, brought here to cause trouble. But there are so many other, seemingly harmless ant species. Are all of the ant species extraterrestrial, or are some native to the Earth?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
There are some ant species native to Earth, but the aggressive species are extraterrestrial in origin. As is true for many organisms, they are spread far and wide among many worlds. That is because they play a role, they serve the inhabitants of those worlds, and some are used as staging areas and, essentially, as breeding colonies and ways to experiment with the makeup of various creatures to see their adaptability to somewhat differing climate and atmospheric conditions as well as juxtaposition of food sources they themselves might depend on. This allows predicting the success and value of introducing particular species in new worlds before risks are taken. This avoids wasted motion and causing disturbances that can be avoided through a more careful approach. This is why, in many cases, the extraterrestrial species present are similar to Earth counterparts but may have a particular exaggerated expression of some capability—either great size, a more aggressive nature, or a more powerful means of self-defense that can be used as an attacking weapon, like highly toxic venom. When those characteristics are present, it is a good indicator the species is extraterrestrial.