DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialThe Bible in Luke 10:20 promises: “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Christian Seer John Fenn asked one of his guardian angels what the angel thought about humans someday giving them orders. The angel looked at him oddly and replied, along the lines of, “It is right and proper.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is simply reflecting a natural order of things, that the angelics were created to support humans and other beings in the physical, not as overseers but as helpers and protectors and sources of inspiration and healing at times. The reason being physical existence is highly challenging and fraught with many perils given the fragile state of existence, the propensity for something to go wrong, and the fact that the physical domain of your galaxy has been hugely corrupted with the rise of evil affecting both the physical beings and the angelics. Part of the corruption is the misguided notion among the angelics they are more deserving and do not want to be subservient to physical humans and other beings. Compared to a physical human, an angelic being from the heavenly realm blessed with divine reach and mysterious powers, not to mention presumed perfection, looks vastly superior to what a human being can achieve. That difference in perspective and that difference in capabilities and makeup is not a reflection of the true potential of the two types of beings but only the circumstances, that physical humans are only partly in touch with their true nature and makeup, only a portion of their being incarnates as a physical human, whereas you are truly light beings in the makeup of your soul and, when in the heavenly realm, you have more capability and privileges than the angelics. That is true presently, aside from the transformation that will happen with ascension down the line if you get there. That will actually magnify the contrast between human and angelic beings because of the greatly enhanced status of the humans who will be in the ascension process and entering an even higher dimension than those in the heavenly realm currently. In that exalted state, humans will not need angelic oversight and attendants. The angels were created to support the Human Free Will Paradigm knowing it would be difficult and dangerous. This is easily illustrated in considering that from the outset humans are born helpless and need a nurturer for everything—getting food, water, clothing, shelter, and loving care to nurture their spirit and their soul. That is a far cry from a light being who has been in existence for eons, possessing a vast power and flexibility, and extensive experience in situations of all kinds. Angels care for the young even more so than the grown-ups in your world because they are often on their own, unable to communicate, and need a kind of spiritual lifeline for their development, and that is what the angels provide. In the ascended world, you will not return to a state of ignorance like this ever again.