DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialThe Bible in Daniel 12:2 promises: “Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.” It is well-known that the Catholic Church requires or favors burial of the deceased, and discourages cremation. The reason it is speculated, was one needed their body “to sleep in the dust” in order to awaken for “judgment day.” That one could not attain true eternal life without a proper burial of their body. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is an interesting revelation that is a misunderstanding of what will happen with ascension and what must take place for preparation and readiness to ascend. So, as with a number of passages you are bringing up for consultation with us, this part of the Scriptures was written with an awareness of something special coming for humans in physical form and bypassing the return to spirit form. Thus, the perception there is something important about not defacing the body, that one needs to be not only pristine and ready but may not know when this turning point might come. Much about the Scriptures is about this very perspective—preparation but then patience and waiting for the true rewards that will come in the future with a return to heaven. While this applies to ordinary incarnation, that eventually you will escape the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune in the physical and return to a land of bliss and many blessings of divine love in the heavenly realm, the long-term goal is to attain something even more special. This idea is impulsed to human beings and has been all through human history, to inspire and encourage people to keep their eye on the prize, so to speak, to know that they are loved, and that loving in return is the key to getting somewhere, and somewhere quite special, and, as it turns out, that special future destiny is a unique one to reach the place of ascension in an even higher plane of existence than ever before with greater power, reach, and privileges you will have gained through this rite of passage in carrying on the toughest of assignments and prevailing, and not only prevailing but successfully completing all needed to happen—that is still the work in progress humanity is a part of. So far, only a modest number are truly working on ascension preparation. Most are involved in diversions, make-work projects of various kinds, that may sound good but do little to really change anything of significance because enlightenment is a healing journey and only happens through healing. You are away from divine alignment with the light and need to return. That is not simply a lack of understanding but many woundings that have lowered your vibration and created a karmic dilemma that must be overcome. So these passages are, among other things, clues about the journey you are on and a reminder of what is most needed you are in part responsible for addressing.