As they rightly describe in their advertising, these are substances for which much science has been established about the benefits based on in vitro studies, studies with animal models, or actual human data from testing done following administration of single components of this mixture. So we can tell you that the strategy of combining multiple such ingredients, all of which have known effects on the central nervous system that are a potential benefit, particularly in situations where there is an existing imbalance or inadequacy of function that can be recalibrated and readjusted through a supplementation of the right chemical substances among these natural products, there will be benefits obtained, and we agree wholeheartedly with this. This, in fact, is a good general tonic for maintaining mental function into advanced age for this reason, and the breadth and general nature of many of the effects of these substances provides a basic foundation that will help many people keep going in a much better and productive fashion than otherwise, and will allow people to excel while others are fading of the same age and history.
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