DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaSutphen was convinced there was a Universal Law: The Law of Fearful Confrontation, “If you fear doing something, and yet have the courage to do it anyway, you will soon do a mental flip-flop and may even become addicted to doing it.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is the depiction of an interesting dilemma of the human makeup aspiring to excel and succeed and persevere in the face of adversity, but also housing within a strong ability to create anxiety and fear as a warning. Much about life is balancing one's inner perceptions with a conscious plan and intention to go forth boldly into the world and make one's mark. The dilemma for those who succeed is that success almost commands them to keep going because they will not want to surrender that pinnacle they have reached in productivity or achievement, but they do pay a price because being at that peak will demand an equal or higher level of performance to stay on the rise and not lose ground and see a dissipation of personal capability and power. If one has not healed sources of fear that accompany them all along the way they were able to surmount through sheer force of will, that fear might well grow when the stakes are higher in wanting to achieve something much more demanding, so it is like being haunted by a stalker you are never free from because it will always be there to menace you. Eventually, people tend to overreach, they aspire to something not truly within their capabilities, and at that point they might well fail, and then suffer a fall from grace of some kind. That is when people are perceived as acting recklessly and to excess. There are indeed adrenaline junkies who seem to thrive on risk-taking, but that is not a healthy perspective or strategy for being successful in life. It is a way of cutting corners to get away with something, and might well succeed for a time, but it is like playing a game of Russian Roulette, sooner or later there will be a bullet in the chamber and when you pull the trigger you will have a major setback indeed.