DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlStudies examining the effectiveness of armed school resource officers in preventing school mass shootings have failed to find a convincing benefit. Is that because those very officers are manipulated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to distract or divert them to prevent them from taking action?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
You have hit on the seeming conundrum that while mass shootings in school frequently end as a consequence of bullets fired by a law enforcement officer, to study and conclude that armed school resource officers seem to have no effect on the incidence or severity of school shootings, at least statistically speaking, is paradoxical, indeed. It is like saying guns don't work but we have to have guns to solve the problem in the end, when a half measure is better than none, other than the question of cost and the psychological impact for children seeing an armed official walking about the school as a reminder they might be in danger at any moment. One can meaningfully pose the question about trade-offs; is it better to live in an ugly world but continue living, or not allow any unpleasantness about bad things happening to be a part of the environment, and risk it occurring nonetheless, and be helpless to mitigate the damage sooner rather than later. As always, this is a human choice. The divine realm does not support killing categorically, but it is more difficult for you to live up to that standard in the world you inhabit with such great disparity in terms of fairness, when a crazed gunman can destroy the happiness of many families by taking the lives of their loved ones who are helpless to begin with without someone to protect them.