DWQA QuestionsCategory: Higher SelfSouls are more wise when back in the light, which is evident from the channelings of light beings. Yet, is there a difference in wisdom even noticed in the light from soul to soul that would be predictive of difficulty the souls will have when they reincarnate?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
Souls, indeed, are distinctly unique, they are more alike than different in having a tremendous capability and are truly vast in scope, but they have strengths and weaknesses with respect to the extent of expression of the vast array of possible attributes. In the same way you see reflected in human makeup and achievement, where all have a body and most can stand, walk, and run, but some are more athletic, some are more intellectual, some are good at mathematics, and for others it can only remain a puzzle, some are musical, some cannot carry a tune. The souls have an equality in the existence of many, many capabilities but they have an individual makeup that is choosing to favor certain things over others because personally, they have greater appeal. So it is more a question of choice than an endowment that, in effect, dictates what is possible and what is not. Each soul follows its own inner desires and instincts, the consequence being greater attainment for those things it focuses on and lesser capability, at least at the moment, in using aspects of its makeup that have been neglected. So there is a similarity there with the human experience but not for quite the same reasons. After all, humans are facing many physical limitations imposed by the environment, and not living as a light being with unlimited energy and creative powers to make things happen readily. The human lives are exceedingly short and have a kind of arc where people eventually go into a physical decline despite their growth and extensive life experience, at least by human standards. Souls are immortal so they enjoy a vast experience base, not to mention the ability to integrate with and share the collective knowledge and wisdom of the aggregate of souls in ways humans cannot do. But that is also why having an experience as a physical being can be so instructive and add a kind of texture and richness to the experiencing of the soul, because it truly presents an understanding through life experience of the value in all the soul is able to accomplish within the divine realm. Indeed, there is nothing taking place without purpose, whether it seems lofty or quite limited and trivial, it all has meaning and is a contribution to the whole.