This was a divine gift and the reason you have asked is because you have seen intuitively this is so but want to have a verification on record. We have her under divine watch because you have requested this as we work on her with her Soul Reset. We foresaw this would happen and we maneuvered another individual to be within earshot and helped to motivate him to take prompt action and not hesitate. That was a dual manipulation of sorts, but it is in keeping with the desire of that individual to be a good person and to be a good Samaritan so to speak and come to the aid of others when presented with their plight. So, this was a win/win because it not only helped your client from having to avoid having a worse situation develop but also gave an opportunity for that rescuer to be a hero and to create some good karma that will benefit him. That is ample justification to be using someone as a tool of the divine. It does not cost them much but gives them an extra measure of divine grace in their future because they are willing participants always, in heeding the call and making the decision to act in the way desired by the divine realm.
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