DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceSome say that making money as a lightworker is wrong. Is it moral and wise to accept payment for healing and/or channeling work? What are the recommended guidelines for doing so?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
The guidelines are quite simple. If you work from the heart and through love and desire to spread love to others, you are in alignment. You will find that easier to do if you have financial support in order to devote your time to the enterprise. If you must make a living through conventional means, you will have very little time to be a helper or a healer in a true dedicated sense. This is a full-time demand to become proficient and to do so with skill. You may be able to do this on a part-time basis, but it is difficult and your reach will be quite limited as well. You will only be able to approach those you know in your circle. It takes money to have an Internet website. It takes money to advertise to let people know that you have services to offer. That money must come from somewhere. The healer who takes no payment limits their reach. This does not serve the divine realm. It might serve their conscience if they hold the belief they must be pristine and avoid financial entanglements, because this is a lessening of their true divine nature to do so. What we would say is this very idea that divine work must be separate from financial reward is a corruption which has been instilled in many, many generations of religious practitioners and the healing community through all of recorded history. This is a disinformation campaign to create disempowerment, because healers cannot keep up their efforts without remuneration. How are they to live and have the basics of comfort, shelter, and food, let alone communicate in the modern world through what is available? They must take money for their services when this is feasible. The very idea that anything related to the divine should be freely offered is really a faulty notion on multiple levels. The light can only reach others through the transfer of energy and information. If it requires money to make the transfer, money has to come from somewhere. The information content of divine wisdom has extreme value compared to most knowledge. The gift of healing brought about by a human, who engages with another to explain its possibility and availability as a conduit to bring that loving, healing energy through them to create a healing circuit with someone who suffers, is providing the highest divine level of help. This is a kind of miracle when it happens, and it is beyond priceless in its potential benefits. Healers routinely change the very destiny of people they interact with. When you look at what people pay to simply extend their lives for a few short months and the many, many thousands of dollars to beat back a looming, fatal illness, even temporarily, extending life through divine means with no side effects has tremendous financial value and tangible benefit—including a financial benefit to the recipient as well as to those who may depend on the person. To say that service should be given away is perpetuating a disinformation campaign of old—linking wealth and riches with evil and fault in the eyes of God. There is no such thought from us about riches and financial success. We wish that for all. The whole purpose of human creation is to flourish, to grow, to expand, and to have maximal expression of possibilities. That cannot happen without energy, and that is all money is. It is a currency for the transmission of energy in a convenient fashion from one person to another. There is wisdom in having physical money, as opposed to a barter system with all its inefficiencies. For example, to get from one place to another wanting something for one's home, but as a shoemaker, all you can do is offer shoes to them, then you may have to offer shoes to someone else who has something of value to the person with the product you do wish to have in exchange. This quickly becomes very inefficient and complicated. A medium of exchange serves a valid purpose. The very fonts of religion worldwide, need supporters to tithe and give money to them, so they can exist and offer a safe place of worship, as well as to allow the leadership—the clergy—to be present on a regular basis to prepare teachings, sermons, portions of scripture, to present and then discuss, and talk about the moral lessons, and so forth—and be teachers. They must be supported somehow. If they have families, those are mouths to feed. There has to be money to do that, and to leave people powerless by denying them funds only serves the darkness. It never serves the light. It is a diminishment. It is a denial of the worth of the lightworker, to expect them to do what they do—often times spending many years accruing knowledge and developing skills—and then expect to receive that for nothing because it is light work. This serves the darkness only and is a perversion of divine truth— while everything has value, some things have greater value than others. The world of human is currently upside down. Things of little value are the ones highly prized. Things of great value are neglected, dismissed, demeaned, and ignored. “You get what you pay for” is literally true on all levels, including the level of divine wisdom. You are only hearing this channeling because there is enough support for those presenting this interview that it can come about. That is not to say taking from others first is always the most important exchange. There are many healers and helpers of all kinds who will help those truly downtrodden and suffering with no payment. They have a different kind of payment coming from the divine realm as blessings, but the immediate needs of life may not be met. All are encouraged to be generous and to make allowances for people who struggle and lack the means to pay others. But every healer can tell you how they are approached again, and again, and again, and again by people saying they have no money and who in conversations will recount their day-to-day lives—they have automobiles, they have homes, they have cell phones, they have internet, they have televisions, and they have all manner of appliances and luxuries in many cases. But yet they plead poverty in wanting help from a healer. That is the old programming. There are many who will not get it unless it can be done for free. This is a choice healers can make. We recommend that healers be compassionate but not to a fault. Their reach will lessen if they cannot show up to do the healing because they have not nourished or protected themselves, have not seen to their health and well-being, and often times do not have a normal life—which to have balance, is best done with a life partner and the full expression of physicality with a sexual relationship and with parenting of the young. This is a way to grow the self and explore as many possibilities as are available. These are all choices, to be sure. But most people want to have that kind of balance and variety of experience, and not be a slave in service to others and living in deprivation personally. That is a life we do not wish for anyone, but it is a choice that some make. It is almost always because of the disinformation to disempower the lightworker. This is one of the cleverest and most diabolical poisonings of the well through all of time—that good works should be done for free. In no other field does this happen to any great extent. There are some clubs that might let you in as a free member, but most will not. They don't have to; it does not serve them. It is a taking of something that they have worked for themselves. Therefore, they will not operate that way. There are charitable organizations who do great works of that kind—Habitat for Humanity, for instance. The gifting of homes to people is a blessing, a tremendous blessing. But those who build the homes must get money somewhere to be able to engage their time in this way. Someone has to pay the cost, and that is an individual exploration in choice. But to see money as the root of all evil is buying the poison pill of propaganda. Money is not the root of all evil. Money used for evil ends serves the darkness, but it is not money that is at fault. It is the choices of the evildoer and the evildoer making those choices who are at fault.