DWQA QuestionsCategory: DisinformationSome people are anticipating that indictments are going to be handed down in the near future to incarcerate and put on trial leaders of the cabal conspiring with the extraterrestrials to suppress humanity. Will this happen soon?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This will not happen soon. There may well be indictments and trials, but this will only be the institutions, and sow chaos and mistrust and fear among the people. This is always the reason for scandal, and the sequences are fully orchestrated through mind control, to first corrupt, then have the dark doings uncovered, and then the maximum possible disruption through the gnashing of teeth and the inflating of emotional reactions to become excessive. And in this way, humanity loses its momentum and becomes distracted and sidetracked into witch hunts, and so forth. All such events are consequences of spirit meddler intrusion into human choices, and this is greatly encouraged and often targeted via the extraterrestrial overlay of control they have in the spirit realm itself. There is not a widespread unmasking in the works. This simply cannot happen at this point by those who have the power to do so, because all such individuals within the institutions themselves who have authority are so heavily corrupted and subjugated through mind control they cannot see the big picture and could not connect the dots on their own. If someone comes forward as a whistleblower and goes to the FBI, for example, they will largely be ignored. There may be a cursory investigation but it will be sidetracked at some point by a higher official and then the enthusiasm will die out. There may, if need be, take place a disappearance of witnesses and so forth, to ensure this. But we can guarantee you with absolute certainty that the possibility of a wide-scale unmasking of the cabal is not in the offing, nor can it take place. The iron grip is too strong at this point. There needs to be a further loosening of the grip, and this can only be done through the divine realm following human requests.