DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolShe continues: “Also, I’ve been trained in craniosacral therapy and am interested in combining this with Lightworker Healing Protocol work because I have an affinity for hands-on healing. Do you feel that would be an appropriate use of the LHP and would I have your permission to incorporate this? I’ll of course pass your work on to whoever I can. The specificity and direct connection to Source is really amazing and would benefit many people.”
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
Work with the Lightworker Healing Protocol can be very nicely combined with other healing modalities as it lends itself nicely to a complementary role, being conducted within the mind of the practitioner without the need for a direct interplay on a conscious level with the client. And also, because it is implemented by the divine realm and not by the practitioner and the practitioner’s energy directly, can be done without prior awareness and consent for the recipient. This is unlike other healing modalities where the practitioner’s energy is an intrusion and permission is important to obtain. So the recipient is aware of what is being done and why, and can weigh in about acceptability or any reservations they might have. After all, what humans do is not the same as what the divine does, many times. Not all healing work ends up being beneficial. Most of the time it has very little benefit and effectiveness but there are times when it can be actually harmful and the practitioner will not be aware of this. Leaving the healing work of the Protocol to the divine realm is the best possible safeguard one could have, that it will be done only when the higher self of the recipient has agreed, and then will be conducted in the highest and best way for the safety and benefit of the client.