DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaShe asks: “What is the cause of my son’s obesity? Is there a chronic virus involved?” What can we tell her?
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
Here you have hit on a key aspect that would otherwise be unattended and a source of great difficulty in gaining any progress with this issue. There is a most powerful karmic force at work here coming from other lifetimes of difficulty, but it is also the case he has been carrying a chronic virus in his body that is causing weight accumulation. As you have probed into before, this is a common aggravating factor and even at times a source of obesity as a primary cause. Most illnesses are karmic, as you know, but may well have an acute precipitating influence like a dietary contaminant or toxin exposure, an extraterrestrial manipulation of some kind energetically, and so on. Their use of chronic viruses, as a scourge, has been a huge direct as well as karmic burden adding to the many depredations of human culture for thousands of years now, so there is a long karmic history with infectious agents causing all kinds of problems for people. Such low-level infections will be greatly augmented by stressful episodes, and this is true for your son having gone through the recent trauma and the medical complications. We see him as being a good candidate for the Antiviral Regimen. That will help him stay ahead of the game with respect to long-term consequences of this viral presence. As you know, there are many ways this can continue to be a problem, and a possible worsening of things for him, given the many medical conditions that can arise once such viruses are in the system.