DWQA QuestionsCategory: HealingShe asks: “Is karmic repair involved through divine intervention in those meditation sessions with [this doctor]?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 months ago
Unfortunately, what can happen, with a lack of specificity, will be correspondingly limited even when the divine realm participates in wanting to bring a healing benefit to the participants of such an exercise. This is why meditative exercises have limited utility under the best of circumstances. The kind of karmic repair needed by human beings to right the wrongs of history and make up for lost time, given the mountainous backlog of unhealed woundings, is quite profound and cannot be done in such a simple fashion, through human intention that is vague and limited in personal awareness and understanding of the reasons for problems to exist in the first place, as well as the fact the divine realm must be involved to do the deepest and most profound level of healing, which will necessitate working across timelines and many specific maneuvers that must be requested in order to allow a divine intervention, given that humans are in charge of their existence and still on a learning curve to develop understanding of how to go about solving their problems.