This, as you have seen intuitively, and is the reason you are asking, is no real mystery, except to human beings manipulated to accept such things as a "natural disaster" when such is not the case. Weather is being manipulated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. Secondly, hurricanes are entirely unnatural, being a weaponization of natural forces to ramp up their severity to wreak havoc. Therefore, they are purposeful and they are guided with great precision. So it is no coincidence that 60 to 80 mile an hour winds were sweeping that Hawaiian island to aggravate fires set by members of the Secret Space Program also known as the Mercenary Army Program, as we term it. That group is comprised of human beings subverted by mind control to serve their masters without thinking or reflection, with the suppression of recall following their missions so there are no loose ends, and those minions can be trusted to go back to their usual lives none the wiser they have been complicit in murderous acts and often widespread destruction of the environment. So, while those who care deeply about the environment and its safekeeping are rightfully feeling devastated about such widespread carnage, they have no clue it has nothing to do with human caused climate change, which has no appreciable impact on weather or the warming trend underway to a modest degree, but which is not threatening to the environment.
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