DWQA QuestionsCategory: Physical UniverseAre the rings of Saturn natural phenomena, or were they artificially created by extraterrestrials?
Karen Gore Staff asked 7 years ago
They are both. They are natural materials, but they have been deployed and distributed in a way that serves the extraterrestrial agenda. So, this is a kind of antenna that has been put in place to send impulsed information into the energy grid of Earth to create a disturbance and a kind of shielding that serves to confine the human population behind a barrier that diminishes the outreach, as well as the insertion of information and energies that would be of use going in both directions, to impede a communication with the divine realm. So, this is a sinister operation and one that is of material harm to humanity. This is unopposed at the present time, but the individuals who make use of this and take advantage of its capabilities can be dealt with from your end by doing the healing work for which you are pointing the way, personally. This must never be forgotten, that the human has the power to prevail. It is done through choice and through setting the right intention, and then applying the personal conviction and power to the task in raising the personal vibration to the love frequency, and then partnering with the divine realm via that carrier wave to make all possible in throwing off the chains of slavery. This is quite doable. You do not have to go to Saturn and then disband the rings for this to happen.