DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialRevisiting the notion of unfairness, it makes sense that IF Creator is truly a FAIR and LOVING Creator, that with a deeper exploration of these attributes, one will discover that there is an immense balancing of cost and reward within each and every one of these attribute roles. It’s just that these compensations are not readily apparent, especially when examined through the lens of what society deems valuable and successful. So while the role of helper appears to be the least glamorous and perhaps least desirable of all the seven major categories, it is, in fact, the role where satisfaction and fulfillment are the most easily attained. The helper feels fulfilled and “right with the world” when those immediately around them are having their needs met, and are having relatively positive experiences. In other words, is “contentment” more easily experienced, more frequently and reliably, by helpers than by any other role? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
We would agree with this assessment, that human nature, being what it is, will most readily accept the helpers in their midst, admire them, and seek to reward them for their contributions. They will be highly appreciated and respected as good citizens and valued members of the tribe. So this goes both ways, the helper will feel contentment in seeing their services making a difference and value in their contribution, but that will be further amplified by the recipient of that service, and this will create opportunities for rewards for the helper. After all, acceptance by others is a basic human need for most individuals to feel secure and happy. So being a helper has many benefits, one of the most important being the ability to fit in, to feel a part of things by having a clear role to play that is needed and appreciated. Because of the great need for helpers, there is less competition because there are so many ways to serve.