DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaRegardless of the workings of karma itself, we have learned that divine intervention is the means to heal, avoid, and/or reduce and attenuate karmic debts and dilemmas. Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, and Divine Life Support bring about the desired divine intervention to heal karmic difficulties?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
You are listing here all of the fine divinely inspired tools brought about through your channel in working diligently, as a scholar and researcher for years now, to refine their capability to heal, and quite deeply. For that is what is essential to solve the problems faced by humanity and all the beings throughout your galaxy who are faced with the workings of the darkness and at risk of annihilation at their hands. All of the horrific karmic trauma the interlopers have inflicted on you throughout the ages is coming to a head. The only thing that will solve the problem, and save you from annihilation at their hands, is to first get them to leave for a time so you can more quickly heal and escape from the physical plane before they return and destroy you. This is no small task, but if you can do the first part it will mean you can do the second. Reckoning with these interlopers, because they are uniformly psychopathic predators, will prove your mettle and enable you to go the distance because you will have proven the power of using these fine healing tools to reckon with that enormous karmic backlog that is looming over you and marking you for destruction by keeping you in a weakened state. Through divine partnership, you will have all the extra power you need for a reckoning, a rebalancing that will be effective in winning the day. Prayer alone will not be enough and even Empowered Prayer. You must become healers and ask for healing. If enough human intention that was knowledgeable about the true nature of your situation were brought to bear, the world could be cleaned up overnight. But you are so far away from that level of awakening and a gaining of insight because of the great limitations of the average human being and level of ignorance, the only hope is having enough to speak for you. That is what is being provided by the GetWisdom Enterprise, to bring together healers for training in these higher level techniques so the aggregate of healing effort underway will be enough to tip the balance and ensure your victory against the darkness. We see that happening if you continue working and adding to your numbers through recruiting other humans who are open to spiritual healing in a true sense. Heretofore, the spiritual movements and formal religions, one by one, have become corrupted and diluted in ways they become more a kind of holding action and make-work project to give a false sense of security, even as the noose is being tightened around your necks. It is not easy to awaken many to such an unpleasant truth, especially with a heavy layer of mind control manipulation to create many false beliefs and a high level of complacency. Those few still awake and able to see evil in action now have a way to respond effectively to counter those evil forces with divine healing. That is the only way you can win, and if you choose that path you will be successful—you will have our help if you invite our assistance.