DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaRarely is justice swift, and when it is, it is often unjust itself. This puts the victim in a kind of limbo waiting for closure that may be long in coming. This leaves the victim, as well as onlookers, feeling powerless. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This is a further example of why seeking retribution through the criminal justice system is a kind of folly in and of itself. Not only does the punishment rarely fit the crime, the reward, in terms of restitution in a meaningful way for the victim, will seldom meet the level of suffering with any kind of a good fit. So this is a deeply flawed schema that will be futile over the long-term in making society truly better. There is no built-in system for criminal reform. There is an incomplete understanding of where criminal behavior comes from and the reasons why, and there is an absence of effective tools to help restore the criminal to a higher way of being. This is a choice made by society itself, to pattern after the interlopers who run their worlds in this fashion, where the punishment of wrongdoing is swift and harsh, and often in the eye of the beholder, often being the one who has the most power, and that leader or designated administrator will mete out punishment according to rigid codified rules that leave no room for compassion. So under such conditions, with a harsh penal system that many see intuitively is creating a bigger hazard and a larger liability than often the criminal conduct itself, the divine human is seeing through it that "The Emperor has no clothes!" that there is a misguided and inappropriate arbitrariness. Even though the rules are spelled out, the laws have precise wording, and the law enforcement somewhat even, at least in its application categorizing crime, no matter how detailed and nuanced the attempt might be to encompass any possible situation, there will be many exceptions that cannot be adjudicated fairly, especially when the system itself is tilted towards punishment and not any kind of restoration for either victim or perpetrator. So this is a good example of the world being upside down. The system you work under is not one where being a perpetrator is categorically wrong, it is simply whether the perpetrator is sanctioned by the government to carry out some kind of punishment of another. So the system is faulty to begin with, and when you are building a system to shape human behavior and define codes of conduct based on a hierarchy of power being the most important consideration, the end result is entirely predictable, that there will be many new victims and there will be no winners from such a system, only greater suffering, and this will be a drain on human capital and a stain on the human culture. There are many who see this and, indeed, this is the inspiration for the so-called "cancel culture" wanting to cancel the police. The attempt to defund the police as a way to expunge perceived wrongdoing is not to extol the virtues of criminality but a heartfelt, if somewhat misguided, attempt at achieving greater fairness, and in that sense is reacting appropriately to the distorted world you live in. The problem is that you have too few choices. If you only have the choice of arresting and punishing criminals, or allowing them to go free when that punishment might be arbitrary, misguided, and sometimes overkill, to eliminate law enforcement and allow crime to run rampant is not a good solution either. Here again, you are simply shifting things so you have a different set of victims and perhaps many more than would otherwise be the case in neglecting the compelling need to restrain bad behavior. So humanity has much to learn, or we would say "unlearn," in how to comprise its institutions and seek a better law enforcement system and effective true assistance for those involved in wrongdoing that will bring in healing for them. In fact, they are getting nothing of the sort under the current system when they are truly suffering a kind of "sickness of the soul" and an absence of its direct influence on things with troubled human beings in a state of disconnection.