DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Lost Soul SpiritsPsychic mediums typically receive intuitive impressions of imagery, and sometimes words, like names, that help confirm a particular individual’s spirit is being reached, but not actual conversations. This requires translating the impressions into an accurate meaning and, inevitably, can introduce error. What keeps beings in the light from communicating to mediums more clearly and directly using detailed and specific language? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
What they are doing, by and large, is getting intuitive impressions that are a fragmentary series of images, wordings, and inner knowings that comprise a message in answer to the outreach. That is not the same thing as having something akin to a phone call, where the medium can ask a question and the spirit in the light answer in detail directly with language that fits a grammatical construct indistinguishable from an ordinary conversation. That level of clarity and fidelity is only reached with true channeling and the latter is a rare gift granted to few. It is a capability that must be designed-in; it might be latent and discoverable in wanting to follow the example of a channeler, and putting one's mind to it and asking for divine assistance, causing an inner awakening of that capability, and with practice becoming a quite effective channeler. But usually, even with profound intuitive ability to act as a psychic medium, the full channeling capability will not be developed because it is not a part of the person's makeup and cannot simply be granted from on high on request. In effect, it represents a deep healing need for that to come about, and that is true for all of the human population. You were designed to talk with God directly. We talk to you, but you cannot hear us. You talk to us, and we always know your thoughts. This is a defect in the system, not an unworthiness of yours or a limitation from us to lock you out, so to speak. We always hear from you and greatly cherish being with you and watching your life proceed. The fact you feel alone and disconnected is simply that lack of reception that would confirm and allow you to experience directly our presence in your life—that is a kind of tragedy that is owing to manipulation by the interlopers wanting to control and enslave you.