DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyPredicting the future has always been VERY problematic, especially in an environment of rapid flux and even chaos. Is it “controlled” chaos? We know the interlopers are time travelers, and if their agenda was truly the gaslighting of humanity, then the ability to predict the future is what is, in fact, in the “crosshairs.” It’s the very attack vector the interlopers go to pains to maximize. Could this be a possible explanation as to why even divine predictions of the near future have been so uncharacteristically inaccurate? If the interlopers are, in fact, making a Herculean effort to create the most unpredictable reality for humanity imaginable, then abrupt change of plans would not be the exception but the RULE. Creator has attributed this to the “fickleness” of the interlopers, but fickleness seems pretty benign in contrast to an intentional campaign to be as unpredictable as possible. What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
This question gets to the heart of the issue of the agenda in force by those who truly run the world. We have said again and again that you are a world of rapid change that is unnatural and has at times even dire consequences, making a world that is stressful and increasingly superficial so there is a series of diminishing returns. One experiences more events that are consequential, but the rewards of those events become less and less with the speed of change because the true value of participating is not considered what is important but only that change happens. So there is very definitely a deliberate plan being followed to create uncertainty in as many ways, on as many levels of society, as possible. At the root of this is a basic cosmic joke that the extraterrestrials can laugh at endlessly, because there is always something human to laugh at that is their product, their engineering. They manipulate all kinds of things to make people fail in silly ways and tragic ways, and even at times majestic ways, by allowing people to excel and even build them up for a time, which ramps up expectations, but then after a while will come a spectacular defeat or failure and the new idol, perhaps an outstanding sports figure, will have a comeuppance and be seen to be human after all. What they do, in traveling into the future, is to anticipate everything so they can further change it in ways expected to be more powerful, more dramatic, and often more damaging. So this is part of the endless game for them, to compare the future with the present, and then change the present to see how that future changes, and going back and forth with an endless series of cause and effect episodes to, in a sense, act out a whole range of differing scenarios to add variety to the interaction with your civilization. They are not simply silent observers watching you in action in real-time, they are manipulating you to see what they can do to make things worse without being noticed as your tormentors. This is the kind of game they like to play. It is fun for them to think of new ways to cause suffering, and then try them out with a number of variations, and that not only compounds the injury, because they are rerunning your lives over and over again, and putting much negative information on record that is connected to you nonetheless, but it enables them to get better and better in devising ways to torture and demean you. So much of this inevitable change is connected to that game, much as rounds in a boxing match are segments of a longer-term contest working towards an eventual conquest, where both athletes must absorb pain and suffering, and winning will be at a very consequential loss for their opponent, who may end up unconscious and grievously injured, perhaps for life. This is also another reason for the relentless speeding up of the pace of things, it is because they want so many reiterations of the current timeline to keep changing the future for the sake of variety and bringing about greater misery in a kind of perverse negative optimization of your destiny.