DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolPlease give us feedback about the following proposed addition to the Lightworker Healing Protocol, to help us understand what is incomplete, needs optimization for greater effectiveness, or might be added: “Problems from dark spirits and extraterrestrials. ‘Warn about the existence of and ways dark spirits and extraterrestrial interlopers use, to corrupt and undermine their victims. Inform about the alien agenda of divide and conquer intended to instill corrupted and false beliefs while working in concert with attacking spirits. Teach the importance of and how, to stand strong in resisting mind control and other external manipulations.'” Is there anything missing that would be helpful to add in getting the most benefit?
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
Here again, you are dealing effectively with one of the major sources of negative influence dragging down humanity. It is a broad and open-ended agenda, as is needed to provide great latitude to the divine realm in bringing custom solutions to bear for the many varied circumstances of people encountering spirit influence and manipulations as well as the workings of the extraterrestrials, both directly, and indirectly via spirit manipulations to weaponize them. So this description will serve quite nicely to establish greater awareness of this menace as a major goal.