DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyPeople who widely consider themselves good people with good intentions will take advantage of perverse incentives justifying it with the statement, “If I don’t do it, someone else will.” That, indeed, is usually the case, but is it a valid defense? This phenomenon of “good” people doing bad things because “everyone’s doing it” seems to be a common theme in this world. Is this just a flaw in the human makeup, or can it be blamed on interloper manipulation? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago
It is by far the latter more than the former. The problems of society, in mirroring some of the worst of human inclinations to be prioritizing their own welfare and looking at the self-interest as the highest priority, is actually a reflection of extraterrestrial thinking they have introduced into society. It is the way they think, and they believe everyone needs to think that way. You are blessed to be still at a point in your history where God has not been fully expunged from your awareness. The example of a higher morality, a higher standard, is not simply an artifice embraced as a convenient propaganda strategy to entice people to behave in more constructive, less self-serving ways, and think of their country ahead of themselves, it is divine to consider the needs of others along with the self and to have those competing needs in balance. That is divine wisdom in action and is well‑illustrated in the feelings and beliefs of humanitarians seeking to help the downtrodden because they see the great disparities between those in authority, who have true power, and those who have been left behind, and unable to compete, experience a kind of decline of their lifestyle, its quality, as well as safety and security. The divine prophets through the ages have reminded humanity again and again, "There is a higher morality in divine wisdom," but their voices get drowned out by the propaganda promulgated relentlessly by the interlopers to pervert human thinking and human institutions and initiatives.