DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialPeople have predicted that Earth will transition to the 4th dimension. Is this “4th dimension” free of negative interlopers because they cannot penetrate it?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
The Ascension process, if it goes as planned, will take Earth through the fourth and then the fifth dimension as well, and there are higher planes that can be accessed from there, much more readily than moving beyond the 3-D currently inhabited by physical human. This will be free of current interlopers to be sure. They will not be able to penetrate those domains nor inhabit them. So there will be a new era, a new dawn taking people higher in all respects. The learning here in dealing with negativity will continue to serve. There will not be situations of such dire need or such extremes as to be fully engaged with similar activities in the future, but there is nothing like taking on the toughest challenges first to make you ready for anything, and then the minor issues will be easily managed with little difficulty, and almost with a sense of joy in going about it, because the level of confidence will be so great and the level of competence will have been well earned and will stand for all of time.