DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyPeople don’t have a need to simply be part of a consensus, but to be part of the “right” or “correct” consensus. A friend of a GetWisdom founder confessed recently that the recent election of a particularly controversial politician was one of the most stressful things that ever happened to him. This seems an extraordinary thing for a man in his mid-fifties to confess. Clearly, he wants to be a member of the “right” consensus, but when politics is split almost evenly down the middle, determining which consensus is the “correct” one, is no longer obvious. Is this an accurate way to try and understand his dilemma and angst?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This is certainly an apt description of the current climate. The current cultural promotion of one’s identity according to how they fit in with a particular group, and the consensus thinking it embodies is held out as a major goal and definition of who one is dealing with. This is not normal but engineered to be this way through mind control manipulation. There is wisdom in being in alignment with divine truth—that divine truth is unwavering—anything unexpected or novel one comes to see is merely part of the journey of discovery to grow in knowledge and awareness as well as wisdom in developing the discernment needed to live one’s life in divine alignment as the highest of priorities and to make the fewest possible missteps through wrongdoing. So the idea of having to be in alignment with a consensus group is an imperative created by the interlopers to make people disturbed within because they are busily trying to divide and conquer and this they do by creating warring factions, each with its own consensus views. So people are programmed to have a cartoon-like characterization of the choices available to them to identify with, and adopt the consensus identified with that particular leaning. Those who are more complicated might see some benefits held by disparate groups who consider themselves quite different and even despise one another, but being that all are human, there will be some areas of overlap even if not acknowledged. So the person who is a free thinker may well struggle when faced with an inner compulsion to make an arbitrary choice to be strictly obedient to one consensus group above others. This is hugely destructive because human beings were created to be all different, at least to varying degrees, and when looked at across the span of the large number of soul-based beings, there are many extremes in evidence with certain soul characteristics being a predominant feature of at least what they might be acting on and living through in the moment. There are people of all kinds who vary across the spectrum of levels of spiritual interest and belief, political leanings, and identifications, affinity for various cultural backgrounds and trappings, and on and on, not to mention the overlay of gender identification and the imprinting from all that influences them through their upbringing, as well as the deeper well of prior karmic events in the many lives they have likely lived on the Earth. With the interlopers influencing people subliminally to choose sides, this creates a dilemma of its own, and a serious one, because it makes people feel others are different and this invites suspicion, fear, and dislike for truly arbitrary reasons. When people start seeing one another as their labels, you are back to the Medieval Era when everything was decided by what one’s flag happened to be they rallied around, and in choosing up sides, largely determined their fate because a group with another flag would likely attack them. In the context of that era, this seemed very normal but led to regular bloodbaths serving no real purpose. The same is true today, but people cannot see this, they are made to be complacent, even as they are choosing their fate through their alignment with a particular consensus, so it is a form of warfare but at least of a gentler sort than outright killing brings to bear.